Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Question For You! Please Answer (Pretty Please)...

Today, I received this email from a first time customer.....
"Thank you SO much for creating the best smelling soap products EVER!  I am a lover of all things beauty related and am beyond excited about finding iVi Scents.  I can't believe it's taken me so long to find this... I have already spread the word to other fellow beauty guru's and will continue to share the love of your products with friends and family everywhere...
God Bless!! :)
A.D. (a very happy to have found you customer)"
So here is my question: What about iVi Scents desperately makes people want to refer, share, blog, and review our products?  Honestly, think about it.  I don't think people write in to Best Buy, McDonalds, or Google like this.  But we receive emails like this daily.  So what is it about our company that makes people do this?  I really would love to know, so we can keep it up!  These emails rock my world! Please comment below.

Aarin Elizabeth is the founder of iVi Scents | Nontoxic Bath and Body
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  1. What makes people respond to iviscents and want to share it with the world is the whole experience of Iviscents. The Iviscent experience is browsing a wonderful website, looking at other positive reviews, the speedy shipping, the wonderful personalbe owner (you don't have to be famous to receive great customer from her), and finally the actual product itself. The product does not dissapoint. It delivers just what it is suppose to do. You can just tell when integrity is placed in a product. That is why people want everyone to experience Iviscents. They just simply will not be dissapointed.

  2. Cora, if you read this, your comment blew me away! Thank you SO much! -- Aarin

  3. Honesty plays a big factor! Also, the fact that the products are better than other products that contain parabens and sulfates! Plus they're fun! Like birthday cake soap! It's an original concept and it's simple and cute!

  4. The product lives up to the hype! For me I don't have a lot of money to spend "trying" different products that don't do what they promise. I love when people take time to provide reviews especially when it's on products purchased online. When I come across a product that makes me feel good, pampered, and is good for me...it makes me want to share it. People at work look at me funny when I whip out my body frosting jar from my purse and tell them "you have got to try this"...then when they try it...I get remarks as "Oh My Gosh where did you get this? It feels so soft. It smells so good. I need to get this." The customer service is awesome, The shipping is fast, and the products are wonderful. I have not been disappointed.

  5. I love ALL of these comments! Thank you!

  6. Why do everyone say so many good things about your products, cause they are amazing. Some companies say their soaps are good for you and feel great but when you get them they dont stand up at all. I love the way all of your products smell and the way they feel. Also how can you forget the cute girlie packaging as well. Not only that but we get our products so fast as well. Some places takes 2 week and we get our products within days. All I can say is I am in love with your products and cant get enough. Keep doing what you are doing cause it is working :)

    Jennifer J. Diaz
